The last 2 minutes + 30 seconds of “Follow Me” by Sweet Trip can count on its own as one of my favorite songs ever.
It combines all the musical elements I love: dreamy guitars, reverb, dreamy male/female vocals, electronics, and a pounding dance beat. Seconds resolving to thirds, sevenths resolving to the root – very simple but spot on. And yeah, I don’t exactly know what they’re singing about, but it doesn’t matter – it sounds lusciously amazing.
I also love that this magical piece is hidden at the end of a pretty long song. Before it begins, there’s a good 5 minutes or so of minimal movement – some light keyboard melodies, some stop start beats, some call-and-response. When things change, you know it, because a shimmery pause makes way for the stomping beats.
I just love how it’s all waiting for you at the end, the best part, one of the best ever in my book.