Pale Saints

a hierarchy, always. i find myself avoiding Chapterhouse and Ride and opting for Ian Masters-era Pale Saints (even pre-Meriel). it’s dumb, but the elitist in me feels like i get way more cred for this. (cred with who? uhm, nobody?…) more personal resentment. my feelings for Pale Saints gradually changed with each progression. to me, …


what are the songs that stay with me? i have a few old faithfuls that i return to time and again. that may always be there, waiting to provide me with comfort. romulus & venusthe sundays’ first albumplainsong plainsong is a vast soundscape, it beckons tears at the first beat. glistening keys plodding along as …

now this is fun

riding the bus home today, on a drizzly spring day, i listened to “Now this is fun” by Depeche Mode. it’s an old favorite, an obscure track that i fell for back in the day. i used to dub songs off of jane’s brother’s new wave collection, and due to my limited amount of blank …